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Domaine Barovo White - Tikves 320

Der einzigartige Zusammenprall von warmen, sonnigen Tagen und langen, kalten Nächten in der Region Barovo hat diesen erlesenen Terroirwein geschaffen. Der grosse Temperaturunterschied und die spezifischen Bodenbedingungen in der Region erzeugen einen lang anhaltenden Wein, dessen Aroma zunächst ...Read more

Domaine Barovo White - Tikves

Category: White wine Article code: 320

The unique clash of warm, sunny days and long, cold nights in the Barovo region has created this fine terroir wine. The large temperature difference and the specific soil conditions in the region produce a long-lasting wine whose aroma is fresh at first, but over the years develops into an aroma of honey and truffles.

This golden yellow wine is a perfect blend of Belan and Chardonnay and has a distinctive taste and aromas of peach, pear, mango, white flowers and acacia.

0.75 l
14% vol.
6 Months
Price incl. VAT.1l = 43,87 €
32,90 € each
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Allergens:enthält Sulfite
Importer:Venera Prahl - Weinshop Wängi Europe, Voesch 161, 47906 Kempen
Serving temperature
Combination with food
Food riba, Food meso, food-prsuta

Der einzigartige Zusammenprall von warmen, sonnigen Tagen und langen, kalten Nächten in der Region Barovo hat diesen erlesenen Terroirwein geschaffen. Der grosse Temperaturunterschied und die spezifischen Bodenbedingungen in der Region erzeugen einen lang anhaltenden Wein, dessen Aroma zunächst frisch ist, sich aber im Laufe der Jahre zu einem Aroma von Honig und Trüffeln entwickelt.

Dieser goldgelbe Wein ist eine perfekte Mischung aus Belan und Chardonnay und hat einen ausgeprägten Geschmack und ausgeprägte Aromen von Pfirsich, Birne, Mango, weissen Blüten und Akazien.

Lo scontro unico di giornate calde e soleggiate e notti lunghe e fredde nella regione di Barovo ha creato questo ottimo vino del terroir. La grande differenza di temperatura e le condizioni specifiche del suolo nella regione producono un vino di lunga durata il cui aroma è inizialmente fresco, ma nel corso degli anni si sviluppa in un aroma di miele e tartufo.

Questo vino dal colore giallo dorato è una miscela perfetta di Belan e Chardonnay e ha un gusto e aromi caratteristici di pesca, pera, mango, fiori bianchi e acacia.

Le choc unique de journées chaudes et ensoleillées et de longues nuits froides dans la région de Barovo a donné naissance à ce vin de terroir raffiné. La grande différence de température et les conditions spécifiques du sol dans la région produisent un vin de longue durée dont l'arôme est frais au début, mais au fil des ans se développe en un arôme de miel et de truffe.

Ce vin jaune doré est un mélange parfait de Belan et de Chardonnay et a un goût et des arômes distinctifs de pêche, de poire, de mangue, de fleurs blanches et d'acacia.

Уникатниот судир на топли, сончеви денови и долги, студени ноќи во регионот на Барово го создаде ова фино тероарно вино. Големата температурна разлика и специфичните услови на почвата во регионот создаваат долготрајно вино чија арома на почетокот е свежа, но со текот на годините се развива во арома на мед и тартуфи.

Ова златно жолто вино е совршена мешавина од Белан и Шардоне и има карактеристичен вкус и ароми на праска, круша, манго, бели цвеќиња и багрем.

Weight: 100 kg
Brand: Domaine BarovoDomaine Barovo

Tikveš Wine Region

The Tikveš wine sub-region is situated on the same longitude as Toscana in Italy, Bordeaux in France and the Napa valley in the USA. It is one of the biggest regions in Macedonia by square area and it is situated at latitude of 41-42˚. The climate is mixed, Continental-Mediterranean. The south of the Tikveš region is dominated by a Mediterranean climate featuring long and hot summers.

To the north there is a predominant continental climate with mild and wet winters. The mean annual temperature is 13.3˚C, while during the vegetation period it is 18˚C. In the summer the temperature may reach over 40˚C. The mean precipitation during the vegetation period amounts to 300-500 mm.

The Tikveš region is “protected” on three sides by mountains which prevent the northern winds from reaching the vineyards. The following types of soil prevail in the Tikves region: Rendzina, Vertisol, deluvial, alluvial soil and Terra Rosa.


The story of Tikveš winery begins in 130 years ago, back in the year of 1885. It is the oldest and largest winery in South-East Europe.

Since M6 Investment group acquiring the winery in 2003, there were significant investments of near 30 million euro in the latest technology, and particular attention was paid to improving and modernizing the entire production process.

Tikveš experiment to create new flavors that will generate new consumer needs. Each "invention" they make is a genuine combination of local and international types of grapes; local tradition of wine and world experiences.

Tikveš experiment to create new flavors that will generate new consumer’s needs. Each "invention" they make is a genuine combination of local and international types of grapes; local tradition of wine and world experiences.

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Despite careful quality control, it can happen that wines have a cork taste or other impairments.

Just send us an email to support@fino-vino.eu and you will receive a refund of the full purchase price or a replacement delivery for your order.


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Passionate breeder
Wine quality indicators
High quality wines are more complex in their taste profile. They often have numerous layers that release flavors over time. These flavors can appear on the palate one at a time, giving you time to enjoy each one before the next one appears.
The five components - acidity, tannins, sugar / sweetness, alcohol and fruit - must be balanced. For wines that have to mature for several years to reach maturity, they have the time they need to reach an optimal balance.
Another indicator of the wine quality is the typicity or how the wine looks and tastes the way it should. For example, how much a Merlot wine “tastes like a Merlot”.
Intensity and finishing
High quality wines express intense aromas and a lingering finish, with the aromas lingering after the wine is swallowed. Aromas that disappear instantly can indicate that your wine is of poor quality at best.
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