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Signature - Nikad nije kasno 740


Signature - Nikad nije kasno

Category: Red wine Article code: 740

"Signature" is the most awarded wine in the history of Serbia from international competitions.

"Signature" is a special blend of classic red wine varieties made from Merlot, Cabernet, Marselan and the autochthonous Serbian red wine variety Prokupac.

With a special selection, we have selected the grapes that have been treated with the greatest care after the harvest to produce this unique wine.

"Signature" matured in new oak barrels for 18 months. By maturing in barriques, the varietal character of our wine is combined with the properties of the wood, creating a perfect product. In addition to the fruity aromas that the wine has thanks to the selection of varieties, the aromas of cinnamon, vanilla, dried cloves, caramel and toasted almonds are often felt.

0.75 l
14% vol.
18 Months
Price incl. VAT.1l = 25,11 €
26,90 €18,83 € each
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Allergens:enthält Sulfite
Importer:JC’s asset management GmbH&Co.KG

„Signature“ ist der meist aus internationalen Wettbewerben ausgezeichneste Wein in der Historie Serbiens.

„Signature“ ist ein spezieller Verschnitt klassischer Rotweinsorten aus Merlot-, Cabernet, Marselan sowie der autochtonen serbischen Rotweinsorte Prokupac.

Mit einer besonderen Selektion haben wir die Trauben ausgewählt, die nach der Ernte mit größter Sorgfalt behandelt wurden, um daraus diesen einzigartigen Wein herzustellen.

„Signature“ reifte 18 Monate in neuen Barriquefässer. Durch die Reifung im Barrique wird der Sortencharakter unseres Weines mit den Eigenschaften des Holzes kombiniert und schafft somit ein perfektes Produkt. Neben den fruchtigen Aromen, die der Wein dank der Auswahl der Sorten hat, sind häufig die Aromen von Zimt, Vanille, getrockneten Nelken, Karamell und gerösteten Mandeln zu spüren.

"Signature" è il vino più illustre nella storia della Serbia nelle competizioni internazionali.

"Signature" è una miscela speciale di varietà di vino rosso classico a base di Merlot, Cabernet, Marselan e la varietà di vino rosso serbo autoctono Prokupac.

Con una selezione speciale, abbiamo selezionato le uve che sono state trattate con la massima cura dopo la vendemmia per produrre questo vino unico.

"Signature" maturato in botti di rovere nuove per 18 mesi. Affinando in barrique, il carattere varietale del nostro vino si unisce alle proprietà del legno, creando un prodotto perfetto. Oltre agli aromi fruttati che il vino possiede grazie alla selezione delle varietà, si sentono spesso gli aromi di cannella, vaniglia, chiodi di garofano secchi, caramello e mandorle tostate.

"Signature" est le vin le plus distingué de l'histoire de la Serbie dans les concours internationaux.

"Signature" est un mélange spécial de cépages rouges classiques élaborés à partir de Merlot, Cabernet, Marselan et du cépage autochtone serbe Prokupac.

Avec une sélection spéciale, nous avons sélectionné les raisins qui ont été traités avec le plus grand soin après la récolte pour produire ce vin unique.

"Signature" élevé en fûts de chêne neufs pendant 18 mois. En vieillissant en barriques, le caractère variétal de notre vin est combiné avec les propriétés du bois, créant un produit parfait. En plus des arômes fruités que le vin a grâce à la sélection des variétés, les arômes de cannelle, de vanille, de clous de girofle séchés, de caramel et d'amandes grillées sont souvent ressentis.

„Signature“ е најистакнатото вино во историјата на Србија од меѓународни натпревари.

"Signature" е специјален спој на класични сорти на црвени вина направени од Мерло, Каберне, Марселан и автохтоната српска сорта црвено вино Прокупац.

Со посебен избор, го избравме грозјето кое беше третирано со најголемо внимание по бербата за да се произведе ова уникатно вино.

„Signature“ созреваше во нови дабови буриња 18 месеци. Со созревањето во барики, сортниот карактер на нашето вино се комбинира со својствата на дрвото, создавајќи совршен производ. Покрај овошните ароми што ги има виното благодарение на изборот на сорти, често се чувствуваат аромите на цимет, ванила, сушено каранфилче, карамела и тост бадеми.

Weight: 100 kg
Brand: Nikad nije kasno Nikad nije kasno

Župa Wine region

Župa vineyards are located in the western part of Serbia, in the basin of the West Morava River and its tributaries. Župa's vineyards cover approximately 3,000 hectares, of which 50 hectares have been planted in the last two years.

Wine is one of the most complex natural products in the world and it is correspondingly difficult to develop a product that has a unique taste like this.

Nikad nije kasno

As an official distributor of the "Never Too Late" brand, we will be able to present an excellent selection of Serbian quality products without any pre-existing art.

The wine of the most famous TV show (which is very popular in the Balkans) is the product of music producers and wine lovers Žika Jakšić and her son Andrija Jakšić.

"Nikad nije kasno" is aged in barrique barrels for 18 months, which releases the tannins, colors and aromas of the wine in combination with the oak wood, creating an incomparable taste.

Satisfaction Guarantee

Despite careful quality control, it can happen that wines have a cork taste or other impairments.

Just send us an email to support@fino-vino.eu and you will receive a refund of the full purchase price or a replacement delivery for your order.


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Passionate breeder
Wine quality indicators
High quality wines are more complex in their taste profile. They often have numerous layers that release flavors over time. These flavors can appear on the palate one at a time, giving you time to enjoy each one before the next one appears.
The five components - acidity, tannins, sugar / sweetness, alcohol and fruit - must be balanced. For wines that have to mature for several years to reach maturity, they have the time they need to reach an optimal balance.
Another indicator of the wine quality is the typicity or how the wine looks and tastes the way it should. For example, how much a Merlot wine “tastes like a Merlot”.
Intensity and finishing
High quality wines express intense aromas and a lingering finish, with the aromas lingering after the wine is swallowed. Aromas that disappear instantly can indicate that your wine is of poor quality at best.
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