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Godsin Muscattrollinger rosé - Dalvina 9005


Godsin Muscattrollinger rosé - Dalvina

Category: Rose wine Article code: 9005

A copper to caramel-colored wine that beguiles with an intense and unmistakable sweet floral aroma - just a typical Muscatel. As a dry dessert wine, it is highly aromatic and rich. Perhaps the oldest domesticated grape variety, Muscatel has high levels of antioxidants, rivaling those of many red grapes.

Muscat wines are therefore attributed similar positive effects on health and well-being as red wines.

The Godsin Muskattrollinger Rosé goes well with all kinds of desserts.

0.75 l
12.5% vol.
Price incl. VAT.1l = 18,53 €
13,90 € each
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Allergens:enthält Sulfite
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Combination with food

Ein kupfer- bis karamellfarbener Wein, der mit einem intensiven und unverwechselbaren süßen Blumenaroma betört – eben ein typischer Muskateller. Als trockener Dessertwein ist er hocharomatisch und reichhaltig. Muskateller, die vielleicht älteste domestizierte Rebsorte, weist eine hohe Konzentrationen an Antioxidantien auf, die der vieler roter Trauben in nichts nachsteht.

Muskatweinen werden daher ähnlich positive Effekte auf Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden zugeschrieben wie Rotweinen.

Der Godsin Muscatrollinger Rosé passt hervorragend zu allen Arten von Desserts.

Un vino dal colore ramato al caramello che seduce con un aroma floreale dolce intenso e inconfondibile - solo un tipico moscato. Come vino da dessert secco, è molto aromatico e ricco. Forse il più antico vitigno domestico, il moscato ha alti livelli di antiossidanti, che rivaleggiano con quelli di molte uve rosse.

Ai vini Moscato vengono quindi attribuiti effetti positivi sulla salute e sul benessere simili a quelli dei vini rossi.

Il Godsin Muskattrollinger Rosé si sposa bene con tutti i tipi di dessert.

Un vin de couleur cuivre à caramel qui séduit par un arôme floral doux intense et incomparable - juste un muscat typique. En tant que vin de dessert sec, il est très aromatique et riche. Peut-être le plus ancien cépage domestiqué, le muscat a des niveaux élevés d'antioxydants, rivalisant avec ceux de nombreux raisins rouges.

Les vins de muscat se voient donc attribuer les mêmes effets positifs sur la santé et le bien-être que les vins rouges.

Le Godsin Muskattrollinger Rosé se marie bien avec toutes sortes de desserts.

Вино со боја од бакар до карамела што мами со интензивна и непогрешлива слатка цветна арома - само типичен мускател. Како суво десертно вино, тоа е многу ароматично и богато. Можеби најстарата припитомена сорта на грозје, Мускател има високи нивоа на антиоксиданси, кои им се спротивставуваат на оние на многу црвено грозје.

Затоа, на мускатните вина им се припишуваат слични позитивни ефекти врз здравјето и благосостојбата како на црвените вина.

Godsin Muskattrollinger Rosé одлично оди со сите видови десерти.

Weight: 100 kg
Brand: Dalvina WineryDalvina Winery

Tikveš Wine Region

The Tikveš wine sub-region is situated on the same longitude as Toscana in Italy, Bordeaux in France and the Napa valley in the USA. It is one of the biggest regions in Macedonia by square area and it is situated at latitude of 41-42˚. The climate is mixed, Continental-Mediterranean. The south of the Tikveš region is dominated by a Mediterranean climate featuring long and hot summers.

To the north there is a predominant continental climate with mild and wet winters. The mean annual temperature is 13.3˚C, while during the vegetation period it is 18˚C. In the summer the temperature may reach over 40˚C. The mean precipitation during the vegetation period amounts to 300-500 mm.

The Tikveš region is “protected” on three sides by mountains which prevent the northern winds from reaching the vineyards. The following types of soil prevail in the Tikves region: Rendzina, Vertisol, deluvial, alluvial soil and Terra Rosa.


Dalvina Winery is a family owned winery with capacity of about 5 million liters. Beside fully acquire the bestowed knowledge of wine making in the heritage of this old country, Dalvina is also one of the most dynamic winery with state of the art technology and equipment.

Dalivna main focus is in high quality bottle wines. With experience in exporting wines for more than 10 years now, they are well accepted for the quality they offer in markets not only within Europe, but also in Asia countries like China and Japan. Their aim is to capture the unique properties of the grapes, the soil and micro climates of the area.

Satisfaction Guarantee

Despite careful quality control, it can happen that wines have a cork taste or other impairments.

Just send us an email to support@fino-vino.eu and you will receive a refund of the full purchase price or a replacement delivery for your order.


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Passionate breeder
Wine quality indicators
High quality wines are more complex in their taste profile. They often have numerous layers that release flavors over time. These flavors can appear on the palate one at a time, giving you time to enjoy each one before the next one appears.
The five components - acidity, tannins, sugar / sweetness, alcohol and fruit - must be balanced. For wines that have to mature for several years to reach maturity, they have the time they need to reach an optimal balance.
Another indicator of the wine quality is the typicity or how the wine looks and tastes the way it should. For example, how much a Merlot wine “tastes like a Merlot”.
Intensity and finishing
High quality wines express intense aromas and a lingering finish, with the aromas lingering after the wine is swallowed. Aromas that disappear instantly can indicate that your wine is of poor quality at best.
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